We are thrilled to announce that the Croatian Register of Shipping Inland Navigation Divisionhas decided to join the Pro Danube community!
The Croatian Register of Shipping (CRS) was established in 1949 and has been providing the highest level of professional service of classification and statutory certification for inland navigation vessels for more than 75 years. CRS is a member of IACS and a recognised classification society under Regulation (EC) 391/2009.
Croatian Register of Shipping (CRS Inland) is an EU recognised classification society according to the Directive (EU) 2106/1629. Among others, CRS acts as a competent authority and an inspection body under Directive (EU) 2016/1629 and is authorised to carry out inspections of all types of vessels under EU flags falling within the scope of the Directive and the European Standard laying down Technical Requirements for Inland Navigation vessels (ES-TRIN).
The Croatian Register of Shipping is a recommended classification society within the framework of the ADN Agreement. It is authorised to perform surveys and certification services under the provisions of the ADN Agreement for inland navigation vessels.
Our mission in the field of classification and statutory certification is to promote the highest internationally adopted standards of safety of life and property on sea and inland waterways, and of the protection of the maritime and inland waterways environment. Working under such standards, CRS strives to provide the highest-quality service to clients, owners, and operators of inland navigation vessels through uniformly conducted and supervised surveys.