With the deepest sadness, we regret to inform you that our respected president, colleague and friend, Mr. Alexandru Capatu, has passed away on Saturday, 1st of September 2018. He has been fighting his serious illness in the past months with the same passion as he was striving for the improvement of the Danube waterborne transport over his entire business life.

Being one of the founders of Pro Danube International, Alexandru was the driving force behind several important initiatives such as the concept of “Same River – Same Rules” and the “Green Deal for Danube River Transport”, high-level political events like the “Danube Transport Days" in the European Parliament and many other strategic and policy initiatives.

Alexandru with his warm attitude and kind but firm professionalism will always remain in our hearts as a man of vision and dignity.

Odihneşte-te in pace Alexandru, drum bun! // (Rest in peace Alexandru, have a good trip!)

Alex Capatu s


Funeral services will take place on 08.09.2018 at the Vienna Central Cemetary in Hall 2. For more details, please refer to the attached information here.

You may express your condolences in the online memorial book which can be accessed here.